Join Our Community

Each member of our community has a heart for children from "hard places".


Help Reunite Families

In Ukraine, 80%-90% of orphans have one or more living parent. These precious children come from broken families.


Lend A Helping Hand

Each orphan desires and needs a simple, helping and caring hand.


Events to Help The Orphans in Ukraine

Join hands with events that help fund the adoption, foster and freeing of the orphans from institutional care.

Our mission is to bring the love of Jesus Christ to the orphans of Ukraine and their families

About Our Charity

Inspired by the orphans of Ukraine

When it comes down to it, we cannot do the hard work for each orphan ... for them. They must do the work themselves. We cannot swing the bat for them. In the end, they must swing the bat for themselves. All we can do is train them, teach them, and give them the best opportunity possible to swing the bat and hit the ball. The UkrainianOrphanProject desires each child